Sunday, April 10, 2011


The movie GATTACA that we watched in class was a fascinating movie about a guy who posed as someone else to pursue a life long dream of going to space. I think vincent tore his photo out of the family photo after winning the swimming race against his brother because I think he wanted his family to appreciate what he did; and to prove to his brother that he could strive in life and that he could do whatever he wanted even though his DNA claimed he had a heart condition. Anton didn't have the drive in life, like Vincent did. The relationship between Vincent and Anton wasn't very good because they didn't talk to one another in years. My favorite character in this movie was Vincent because he did extraordinary things to pose as Jerome to go into space without getting caught. I would have wanted to be Vincent because I think that it would be really fun to pose as someone else, but I would be very worried about getting caught. Three ways that society portrayed in this movie that usually reads a person's genetic profile is by hair, saliva, blood, and urine.

I think that Vincent's world could eventually happen in America because I think that we will be able to have the technology to do it. If I was Anton in this film I would have had a better ambition in life, and would have strived harder then what he did. I would have had more confidence in Vincent then what he did. I would have told him that I knew he could make his dream come true. I think that the doctor went along with Vincent's fraud because he wanted him to be able to pursue his dream because he knew that it was very important to him. If I was the doctor I would have let him go to, so I would have done the same thing.  In conclusion, this movie was very interesting and I learned alot about DNA, and all of the great technology that will probably be available in America one day to pose as someone else.

1 comment:

  1. Hi,
    A great article indeed and a very detailed, realistic and superb analysis, of this issue, very nice write up.

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